The 7th annual tennis tournament concluded on Tuesday after four days of lively competition between El Gouna and the visiting Gezira Sporting Club from Cairo. All matches were played at the Gouna Tennis Club.
The competition is a yearly event, on clay, limited to doubles and mixed doubles. No singles matches are contested (yet).
The first 3 days saw 42 players from each side play 21 matches on 7 courts over 3 daytime sessions.
Luckily, the scheduled bad weather for the Red Sea region passed over El Gouna on the third day, starting around 5:30 pm, after the days matches had completed, and players had gone home. By Finals Day, February the 25th, the sunshine had returned, the clay courts dried out, and play resumed normally.
On the final day, top teams played each other to determine the winning team in each of the seven categories named after sea life : Shark, Swordfish, Dolphin, Turtle, Seahorse, Starfish I & II.
The final score was determined initially to be a tie, and a lively evening dinner downtown capped the event for all players. On further tallying of results it turns out El Gouna won 39 matches to Gezira 38. Thus establishing El Gouna as the winner for the 6th time in 7 years.
After four days of passionate cheering ‘GE-ZI-RA’ and ‘GOU-NA’ by spectators and players, maybe next year a cup should also be awarded to the most vocal side !
Many thanks goes to this years sponsors:
Volunteer organizers Khaled Shalakany, Raffi Kehian, Hani Helmy, Rafik Barrada.
Until Next Year ! |
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