Statues from Sand at Sand City Hurghada - Egypt Today
CAIRO – 16 October 2017: A wonderfully open air and sculpture museum in Hurghada city where you will be amazed by 42 statues and 17 relief sculptured in the sand by artists from different countries.

Sand city Hurghada will take you on a journey through different ages. It is a blend between two different concepts named historical art and wonderland art.

Napoléon statue
Historical art is about 22 sand sculptures and 6 reliefs representing legends and military leaders, while the wonderland art is about 22 sculptures and 11 reliefs of Walt Disney animated characters.

Alexander The Great
It is the one and only museum of its kind in Africa and the Middle East.It was built in seven months using 11.00m3 of sand 4000 tone of water.

Spider Man
The city has a section for family outing to enjoy shopping square, coffee area, and kid’s playground where they can learn how to sculpture the sand.

walt Disney Character - Official Website
Do not miss an ultimate pleasure in discovering the first open air sand museum in Hurghada.

Cleopatra - Official Website
Sand city Hurghada will take you on a journey through different ages. It is a blend between two different concepts named historical art and wonderland art.
Napoléon statue
Historical art is about 22 sand sculptures and 6 reliefs representing legends and military leaders, while the wonderland art is about 22 sculptures and 11 reliefs of Walt Disney animated characters.
Alexander The Great
It is the one and only museum of its kind in Africa and the Middle East.It was built in seven months using 11.00m3 of sand 4000 tone of water.
Spider Man
The city has a section for family outing to enjoy shopping square, coffee area, and kid’s playground where they can learn how to sculpture the sand.
walt Disney Character - Official Website
Do not miss an ultimate pleasure in discovering the first open air sand museum in Hurghada.
Cleopatra - Official Website
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