El Gouna Resident Completes 780km El Camino Walk

Popular Gouna resident Ahmed Farid has recently returned to Gouna after completing the Camino walk on foot. He was approached by Gouna News to tell his story. This is what he told us:
'I had never heard of the Camino de Santiago de Compostela before. In 2015, a friend, Jill, convinced a bunch of my favorite girls to join her on her 5th Camino in June of that year. The group of five went and as planned did a truncated version from Ponferrada to Santiago some 200km in 10 days of hot weather. For some reason their journey touched something within me, even though they were quite silent about how it affected them; now I understand why.
I silently but resolutely decided to do the whole Camino in 2016. Of course hardly anyone believed me. I was doing this for entirely personal reasons. I needed to get out of my own comfort zone, meet the physical and logistical challenge and be on my own in solitude…to reflect on whatever my mind wanders to.
Of some initial comfor...