
Showing posts from August, 2016

Cinderella Diving Center now in El Gouna

A new diving center has arrived to El Gouna by way of Hurghada. Starting its operations here only last month. Cinderella-El  Gouna  is located in the charming Sheraton Miramar hotel in El  Gouna,  offering  many different programs for families, children and friends. They provide full day snorkeling excursions or short trips of two hours, also diving excursions for a full day to discover or re-discover the wonders of the Red Sea. Cinderella also offer diving education with their professional diving instructors working in different languages : English, Russian, German and Arabic.   CIND ERELLA  DIVING CENTER   SHERATON MIRAMAR RESORT EL GOUNA  Facebook : cinderella El Gouna +2  011 21782222    +2  010 25736122 Enjoy the best of the Red Sea wi th Cinderella  professional diving team !

Sustainability Camp Closing Ceremony, Friday 26th August at TUB

                                                 youthinkgreen is an international youth movement, based in Berlin, which aims at educating and empowering youth to apply local eco-friendly projects to local and global sustainability challenges.  ​ youthinkgreen - Egypt has been organizing the Sustainability Summer Camp for youth​, three years in a row now. This year, they organized their Third Sustainability Camp at TU Berlin Campus El-Gouna, with the topic of water sustainability, from the 5th to the 26th of August 2016.  During the sustainability camp, 40 carefully selected, talented Egyptian participants, from different universities, gathered with noted experts and coaches in the field of Sustainbility and Entrepreneurship to innovate entrepreneurial solutions to Egypt's most pressing challenge: Water.  On...

Free Bone Density Test at Gouna Hospital

El Gouna Hospital Orthopedic Department, in association with Egyphar,  has the pleasure  to invite you to  a  Free Bone–Density test Monday 22 nd  of August, 2016 9.00 AM till 1.00 PM يعتبر هشاشة العظام من احد الامراض المنتشرة التى تصيب النساء و الرجال و لان ليس له اعراض تسبق حدوثة لذلك اطلق عليه  "  اللص الصامت  " لذلك تتشرف مستشفي الجونة بالمشاركة مع شركة ايجى فار  بتوفير  جهاز قياس كثافة العظام للرغبين في الفحص المبكر بمستشفي الجونة يوم الاثنين ا لموافق 22/08/2016  من الساعة 9 صباحا حتى الساعة 1 ظهرا   و سيتم اجراء اختبار قياس هشاشة العظام     مجانا  للراغبين و الحصول علي النتائج في نفس الوقت  For more information and reservation please contact us: Inside El Gouna ex.: (32222, 32201, 32202, 32073). Direct tele. No.: 065  3580012-17 E- mail:

Online Payments Goes Live For El Gouna Homeowners

Orascom has successfully launched an Online Payment and Management System for Homeowners. The new system allows Homeowners to view consumption of Services and Electricity and to pay their bills online using debit cards. The system, named iGouna Online, was rolled out this July, and is now available to all homeowners.  The system is based on an existing back end database used by Orascom for the last five years, called iGouna V5. The new front end, iGouna Online, is the interface homeowners use to view data on their invoices and meter readings and can be accessed using Facts about iGouna Online: 1- It took one month to build, given that it uses iGouna v5 as back office database (which took 5 years to build) 2-   Built by iGouna team 3-   137 clients are now using it since it went live 20 Jun 2016. 4-  F unctions include invoice payment, client statement, and water and electric consumption recording 5-   No extra cost e...

Oriental Street Festival Expands in Kafr el Gouna

Due to popular demand the Oriental Street Festival that occurs every  Thursday  Tamr Henna Square, Downtown, will be supplemented with another stage @the  Kafr Square. Both stages will run simultaneously  8pm until 10pm . Come and discover everything that is great about Egyptian culture  and get wowed by the amazing acts and talented performers on stage. Please note that the Friday Street Festival previously held at the Marina, now moves instead to the Kafr Tamr Henna every Friday 8pm